Don’t Comply w Norms: The Invention of No Touch FROI SROI
We in the InsurTech world, when we’re not building drones, programming AI adjustors, and donning on wearables, are ideating and innovating on the everyday tasks a Risk Manager undertakes. Sure, it’s not always the sexiest endeavor, but it’s practical, the ROI is undeniable, and ripe for improvement; nothing exemplifies this as our work transforming the laborious undertaking of State FROI & SROI reporting. Listening to the frustration of our clients and the market with the ever changing requirements of the state and the burden placed on entities we turned to our team to ask:
If each release has a mandated criteria of information and, likewise, each State has a variation of requirements as well- why couldn’t we bake in the Rules, Events that necessitate a FROI or SROI or as we have come to know them the “CLAIM PROCESSING ACTIVATION POINTS” into the system.
And thus, was born …