45-Day Implementation of CompVISION

Freestone Insurance on Track for 45-Day Implementation of CompVISION

FIC chose PCIS’s CompVISION to meet its requirements for a fully configured system, with efficient, integrated and optimized workflows, and a specified level of data consistency, delivered within an aggressive timeline.

Freestone Insurance Company (FIC, Dallas – formerly Dallas National Insurance) anticipates going live on PCIS’s CompVISION as the carrier’s new workers’ compensation platform within 45 days of implementation kick-off. CompVISION will serve as FIC’s single platform for managing workers’ comp across 44 states and two brands.

FIC chose PCIS’s CompVISION to meet it requirements for a fully configured system, with efficient, integrated and optimized workflows, and a specified level of data consistency, delivered within an aggressive timeline, according to a PCIS statement.

The ability of PCIS to deliver a content-rich, fully configured workers’ compensation system was a fundamental criterion of selection, according to Stephen Su, chief underwriting officer, FIC. “I can liken our previous experience of working with a DIY ‘custom’ system with building a house and having my architect hand me a blank sheet of paper, hammer and nails with no guidance. With PCIS we get a solid blueprint with everything well thought out and vetted. If we want to make adjustments it is easy to do.”

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