As Jurisdictions Reopen PCIS Rolls Out ClaimsVISION RMIS Toolset to Mitigate COVID-19 Risk Exposure
Complimentary risk and claims management functionality to arm clients against the pandemic
New York, NY – May 12th, 2020 –P&C Insurance Systems, Inc. (PCIS), a proven and trusted provider of claims management software and risk management information systems, RMIS, today
is committed to providing its clients and partners tools necessary to track, limit, and manage their exposure to the COVID-19 pandemic while promoting their employees’ and citizen’s safety.
PCIS has released ClaimsVISION RMIS 8.4, a COVID-19 patch containing WCIO-IAIABC Cause codes to track incidents related to a Pandemic and the Nature of Injury code of COVID-19. These codes work in concert with No Touch FROI SROI automated state EDI compliance reporting. Additionally, expanded functionality has been added for tracking of COVID-19 quarantine programs. The toolset also includes catastrophe tracking functionality for workers compensation pandemic cluster tracking and a dedicated COVID-19 Dashboard for customers utilizing the Vision Advanced Analytics BI module with an interactive ArcGIS heat mapping integrated with Johns Hopkins University data, provided by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE).
“PCIS clients from nationwide insurers to large public entities in hard-hit areas such as NYC and Los Angeles have seen an alarming uptick in Workers’ Comp claims from essential workers. As employers open back up for business, they are in need of dynamic tools, integrated with their real-time loss data, that can assist in their management of exposure. At our core, we are data scientists and this is our way of doing our part in the fight against the pandemic”, said Georgette Loizou, PCIS, EVP.
About PCIS
For over 39 years, PCIS has teamed with its clients in the commercial insurance arena to develop easily integrated, knowledge-infused solutions. With in-depth knowledge of technology and real-world business requirements, PCIS understands the challenges of governmental entities, carriers, private self-insureds, and third-party administrators.
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